There are five key components to defeating a parental alienation process: Understanding, Documentation, Psychology, Presentation, and Exposing.


You must understand how tremendously bad the circumstances can get with parental alienation and how quickly it can happen. Children who are laboring under an induced loyalty conflict fed by exposure to a perverse family drama triangle often feel an intense inner pressure to align themselves with the alienating parent (Haley, 1973). This process can occur rapidly, and when it does, your child may develop some of the more severe symptoms of parental alienation such as splitting (Bernet et al., 2018).


You must document in a chronological fashion how the situation with your child went from “good to bad to horrible.” This is done with photographs, videos, calendars, school records, and any other documentation that demonstrates the positive and healthy relationship you had with your child and how parental alienation turned it into something horrible. The PsychLaw team is exceptionally skilled at pulling this documentation together. At every stage of the process of teaching the court about what the science says about your case, we have the experience you need to turn your situation around.


You must have an expert with a deep psychological understanding and an awareness of scientific literature. If you rely on just any expert, you will almost surely have a plan without the requisite scientific expertise to deal effectively with presenting parental alienation evidence in Court.


You must create a presentation that is integrated into an exposition of parental alienation. It must be keyed to your children now and in the future. What this means is that the presentation of how it all happened requires the use of a qualified expert who can effectively explain it to the court. Otherwise you end up with an attorney who won’t be able to ask the right questions and the court will not get the proper information. PsychLaw expert have presented such information in books and training seminars internationally and on Good Morning America, the Today Show, The View and Larry King LIVE.


You must remember that every custody case is essentially a chance for the alienating parent to spin everything that you do or say into a negative. Every behavior will be spun into a lie. We expose the truth about this, and if anyone can explain this properly it is going to be a PsychLaw expert who wrote the essential materials on presenting a parental alienation case.